We are not broken light bulbs needing to be fixed, but rather we are looking for the souls to light up for

Yvonne Diep
Sydney, Australia
What is Musing Mosaic?

Putting my thoughts and experiences onto pen and paper started from a very young age that was inspired by both a desire to document everything I did as well as a fear of forgetting everything that was deemed important or significant to me at that time. Documenting my life through daily journal writing enabled my older self to look back and identify recurring behavioural patterns and allowed me an in-depth analysis to the little and big things that occurred in my life during a certain point in life. I also began writing creative fiction such as short stories, poetry, quotes as well as letters and cards to my friends.

Writing has always been a big part of my life and is a way of restoring order in my mind when things become too chaotic. There is something just so beautifully rewarding and pleasing to me when I am able to produce a piece of writing that is articulated as fluently and succinctly as how I had imagined it to be; or being able to express myself in perfect depiction of how I feel or intended to convey the message across.

And so, with a plethora of everything I have written and all this creative content itching to be crafted into words, comes the birth of Musing Mosaic, created from an idea that everything I write comes from a muse – a jumbled thought that, once I put in the energy and concentration and focus, turns into a writing project that hopefully connects to souls around the world. And the more I write, the more these puzzles intertwine and connect and become a beautiful piece of artwork that represents my thoughts and experiences. And this is it – this is a mosaic of my musings – a project to make a literary sense of figurative meanings and experiences.